How to write effective Web pages

Writing for the Web is different than other kinds of writing.
Studies show Internet readers read differently — they scan and skim rather than read text word for word. They click away if they do not find what they are looking for easily and quickly.

This tip covers 2 aspects of developing the text for your Web pages:

  1. Electronic Style and Content: What the text should include — and what it shouldn’t.
  2. Format: How the text should be organized

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Consider WordPress for your Business Website

You may have heard about WordPress; it’s a way to get an easy-to-use website that you can manage yourself. It’s easy to make new pages or change content in the simple, built-in, online editor. No more waiting – and paying – for your webmaster to make changes. You can do it yourself!

This and many more features are what make WordPress a good choice for many small business websites.

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Ecommerce Basics: Understanding your Online Store

So, you want an online store

You’ve got a great product. You’ ve done the research and found there’s a demand. You are ready to set up your first ecommerce site.

Anatomy of an Ecommerce Site

  1. First you need a web site – your Online Storefront.
    Your online store will consist of pages that list your products. Item details include a product photo description, price, options (like "size: large" or "color: red"), and all the other details necessary for your customers to determine if they want to buy. Each product will also have a “buy” or “add to cart” button or link. When clicked, the button uses special code which sends the information about the chosen product to…
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What content should you put on your website?

Develop effective content to attract customers to your business website

You have decided that your business needs a Web site. You have decided on a the purpose for your site, your budget, and found a developer that you want to work with. Now comes the hard part.

The correct content will not only bring visitors to your site but convince them to pick up the phone, click that buy button, and transform them from browsers to customers.

What content should you put on your site?

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